Lombard Elementary District 44

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Connect Center

Modern, steel-paneled front entryway to recreation center
About the Connect Center
The Connect Center is a place where the community can come together to learn, play, explore and, most importantly, connect. From the state-of-the-art classroom spaces, to cutting-edge technologies, to premiere recreational facilities, District 44 is proud to have a center that prioritizes student learning and encourages community-use.

Superintendent Dr. Ted Stec knew we needed to add classroom space at Glenn Westlake Middle School. However, he wanted to come up with a way where we weren't just adding classrooms; we were expanding the educational experience for all students. As he and his administration dove deeper into the needs of stakeholders, he realized there was also a demand for more recreational experiences. This is when the vision for The Connect 44 Center first came to life -- it needed to be a place where our students can explore their passions, families can connect through new experiences and athletes can play. We share our gratitude with current and previous members of the Board of Education for their support.
The Connect 44 Center is attached to Glenn Westlake Middle School, 1514 S. Main Street in Lombard.

Rental Inquiries
For inquiries about space rental, lost and found or general information about the District 44 Connect Center, please contact:
Tod Altenburg